Sunday 4 May 2014

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Music video feedback

We conducted this interview after we had finished the video to see if our video appeals to our target audience. We asked a range of questions provoking the interviewee to say what they liked and what they disliked to get an overall sense of where we went wrong and where we excelled.

The things that was mentioned when we asked what they liked were things like the large variety of shots. They enjoyed the quality of the camera work. They also enjoyed the performance from our actors, they felt that it was very convincing. The other thing that was mentioned numerous times was the narrative in general. They enjoyed the narrative, they felt that it was clear and easy to understand which is what we we're trying to achieve when constructing the narrative. They also appreciated the editing, they noticed the change of the pace of the cuts during the rapping scenes which is a common feature in Hip Hop music videos. This has made it clear that we excelled at the fundamentals in making the video a success. However there were things that we could have improved.

There were negative comments that were brought up during the interview which let us know where we went wrong and where we could have improved. The "to be continued" at the end of the video left the interviewees wanting to know more and wanting to watch the end of the story. They disliked the fact that they were not able to see the end but it encouraged them to deeply think about our video (which makes the video more memorable) and judge for themselves what they think is going to happen at the end which makes them anticipated to find out. Another dislike that was brought up was the camera quality which is something that we could not control but could understand why it was a problem. One last gripe that was brought up a couple of times was the random shots, some viewers did not understand the connotations of certain shots in the music video which led them to being confused. This is understandable and an improvement we could make is making these connotations clearer.

From the interviews we learnt that the video was easily identifiable as a hip hop video which is an important aspect that we needed to make sure was clear. The interviewees were then asked to give our video a score out of 10 and it seemed that our camera quality did affect our scores because some of the interviewees were mentioning it when they gave us the score but the average score that was given was a 7.5-8/10 which is pretty good.

Album Cover Feedback

(Animoto Video)

The feedback given to us on our album cover was invaluable to making sure that we arrive at an appealing and professional album cover which I believe is what we achieved. 

Advert Feedback

Completed advert

Changes made due to feedback
  • We changed the title from being underlined to not being underlined due to the feedback from the teacher saying that it did not look appealing.
  • We also decided to make the artist's photos black and white due to the feedback from the teacher.
  • Another important change we made due to feedback given was the size, position and the colour of the availability date of the album. It was changed to being a different colour, made bold and large and at the top of the page next top the title which made it more clear to the viewers.
  • Another impact that feedback had on our advert was from the suggestion to add the iTunes text on there to make the advert seem more authentic.
The feedback allowed use to make the right changes that helped us make the advert more appealing and made it seem more authentic. We took inspiration from other hip hop album adverts to make sure that we were following the conventions and that we were appealing to the right audience. I believe all the changes that were made effectively made it more suitable for our target audience which is perfect. 

Evaluation Question 2

Thursday 1 May 2014