Tuesday 25 February 2014

Film Journal

18th February 2014:

Location: Cheney school field
Time: morning - afternoon
Scenes: Scenes for Narrative & Single shots
Actors: Mustafa
Props: Craters & Cigarette

What we achieved in the shoot?
What type of shots did you focus on?
We mostly focused on high angle shots and mid shots throughout the entire shoot. The reason we tried high shots is so that we could clearly see the craters graffiti which helped us implicate the whole gangster and rough look by having the graffiti in the background and character wearing smart wear rapping infront of it.

What costumes did you use?
We had Muzzy who was playing Jay-Z wearing a suit jacket and smart casual wear to match in with the whole smart/gangster look also it matched in with the other shots from the narrative wear he's also wearing a suit.

What went well?
We did get in some good shots but from different angles (mid shots, high angle etc) and we got it done in quick successions and the shoot was done quickly but precision
What went wrong?
When we reviewed the shots we found that they we're to shaky and that the panning and mid shots kept showing the background which was a field so we decided to scrap the idea of using the crates in our music video so we changed up the idea and decided to film somewhere more run down which didn't have things unnecessary things in the background

17th February 2014:

Location: Oxford Business Park
Time: 5pm -6pm
Scenes: Narrative & Studio Shots
Actors; Ahsan and Mustafa
Props: Car

What we achieved in the shoot:
The main thing we wanted to achieve in this filming session was to complete studio shots for the second verse as we have been lacking in footage for this part of the song. We also felt that we needed to change the location between the verses because if we had kept the location the same, the song would have become a tad tedious and boring. 
The actors were dressed in smart but casual clothing. Justin Timberlake is dressed in a fashionable navy blue suit which gives him an up to date look which all R'n'B artist tend to have. Jay-Z on the other hand has more of a gritty look which almost says "I don't care how I look, I'm cool". The look consists of a tie which is not fully tied and an untucked shirt but his confidence takes away the idea of him looking scruffy, the look automatically becomes cool because he's wearing it.

How did you set up your equipment and what went well
We positioned the car behind the actor, beside the actor, and we placed the actor in the car and recorded our actors performing the song. We filmed in a place that lacked lighting, to fix this, we used the car headlights to film and this created a spooky and mysterious atmosphere. This was executed with a good degree of success. 

What went wrong
Due to the fact that we were filming and in a private area and we looked awfully suspicious with the car e.g. we were driving around in circles and looking quite dodgy whilst doing it, we were promptly told to leave the premises, so we decided to go film in another open car park.

What we need to achieve next time?
Next time we need to re-shoot the office scene and get started on the main fight scene.
Write five bullet points about your filming plans for next time.

  •  Fight scene
  •  Filming of the office scene.
  •  More ambiance shots to make the video more dark and mysterious. 

17th February 2014:

 Location: Horsepath Bypass
Scenes: Performance Scenes for the second verse
Actors: Mustafa & Ahsan
Props:Cigarette & Car

What we achieved in the shoot:

What type of shots did you focus on?

We focused mainly on the performance shots for the second verse. We tried to use these shots to help us create more of a distorted and hectic feel for the second verse. This is because we felt as if the first verse was a little bit too clean cut and tamed to fit in with the conventions of Hip-Hop.

What costumes did you use?

The actors were dressed in smart but casual clothing. Justin Timberlake is dressed in a fashionable navy blue suit which gives him an up to date look which all R'n'B artist tend to have. Jay-Z on the other hand has more of a gritty look which almost says "I don't care how I look, I'm cool". The look consists of a tie which is not fully tied and an untucked shirt but his confidence takes away the idea of him looking scruffy, the look automatically becomes cool because he's wearing it.

How did you set up your equipment?

Since we were aiming for a more hectic feel to our video we decided to go off book when it came to filming the second verse of our video. We did this by filming almost the whole verse by hand and purposely shaking the camera whilst doing so.

What went well?

The shots where we see the handsome actor playing Jay-Z walking beside the car work very well as they match perfectly with the non-diegetic music which we have synced with it.

What went wrong?

The shots which we decided to distort. The whole idea of distorting the shots almost worked too well.I looks as if we didn't intend for the shots to be distorted and therefore the quality looks terrible in comparison to the rest of our video.

28th of January 2014: 

Location: Regal community centre
Time: morning - afternoon
Scenes: Scenes for Narrative & Random shots
Actors: Mustafa & Ahsan
Props: Wine Bottle & Glass, Shattered Glass, Playing Cards, Poker Chips, Phones, Laptop & Money

What we achieved in the shoot?
What type of shots did you focus on?
We focused mainly on the shots that are used to set the feel of the video; the glass smashing shows the shattering of our leads heart when he finds out that his beloved girlfriend has been kidnapped. The fire shots represent the anger of Jay-Z when he gets fired up to go save Nini (JT's Girlfriend). These shots are normally seen in Hip-Hop music videos and are used to give more depth to the video.

What costumes did you use?
The actors were dressed in smart but casual clothing. Justin Timberlake is dressed in a fashionable navy blue suit which gives him an up to date look which all R'n'B artist tend to have. Jay-Z on the other hand has more of a gritty look which almost says "I don't care how I look, I'm cool". The look consists of a tie which is not fully tied and an untucked shirt but his confidence takes away the idea of him looking scruffy, the look automatically becomes cool because he's wearing it.

How did you set up your equipment?
We used a tripod for most of the shots. However we adopted a rougher method of shooting by just using our hands for the hi-shots of the glass and the bottle smashing. We also decided to place the camera flat on the ground whilst filming the smashing scenes so that the camera is perfectly level with the glass and the bottle whilst the shards of glass fly towards and past the camera.

What went well?
We established that the shots we took of the glass, the bottle and the fire work amazingly well in slow motion and we achieved our aim of making the video have more depth using them.

What went wrong?
The scene in the office where we see JT and Jay-Z having a conversation just before finding out about the kidnapping.In this scene it seemed like the video has a satirical feel to it. This is not what we are aiming for. Therefore these shots will have to be redone.
What we need to achieve next time?
Next time we need to re-shoot the office scene and get started on the main fight scene.
Write five bullet points about your filming plans for next time.
  •  Fight scene
  •  Filming of the office scene.
  •  More ambiance shots to make the video more dark and mysterious.

23rd of October 2013:

Location: Assembly hall (Cheney)

Time: Afternoon
Scenes: First verse performance scene
Actors: Muzzy and Ahsan
Equipment: Camera, tripod, lighting equipment

What we achieved in the shoot?

What types of shots did you focus on?

We mainly focused on performance shots that featured many different shots to add variation and keep the scene exiting. Examples of shots that we used are close ups of JT's face singing to express emotion. We also included shots such as mid - long shots of Jay-Z performing to express his body expressions to make his scenes more dramatic.

What costumes did you use?

The actors were dressed in smart but casual clothing. Justin Timberlake is dressed in a fashionable navy blue suit which gives him an up to date look which all R'n'B artist tend to have. Jay-Z is also wearing a similar costume which consists of a black suit and black trousers.

How did you set up the equipment?

We used the tripod for most of the shots featured in this filming session and we also used the dolly which was effectively used to create good camera movements that made the shots more exiting. The smooth floor also helped make the shots look much more professional. we also included hand held camera shots for high and low angles which worked well and gave us more freedom in our movement. 

What went well?

We shot lots of the performance scene and the acting on the day was very good as well. Filming was done well and the lip syncing was on point thanks to the actors memorising the lyrics. 

What didn't go so well?

We could have filmed a wider variation of shots which would have given us more footage to work with and would have helped us to pick and choose all of the best shots.